Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse, owned by Ariell R. Johnson, has become a center for creativity and community.
Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse, Inc. - 595 Photos - 372 Reviews ...
https://www.facebook.com › ... › Coffee Shop
2017年12月30日 星期六
Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse,
36 Hours in Manchester, England
The Historic Reading Room of The John Rylands Library. Andy Haslam for The New York Times |
Visiting Windsor: A Guide
In Palm Springs, to Pool Hop Is to Time Travel
The rainbow-hued Saguaro in Palm Springs is a former Holiday Inn. Beth Coller for The New York Times |
2017年12月29日 星期五
the church of St. Alexander Nevsky, Moscow
– Последние дни МИДа и Минфина в здании Главного штаба –
В конце 1917 г. большевиками была закрыта церковь св. Александра Невского – домовая церковь Министерства иностранных дел на четвертом этаже в восточном крыле Главного штаба. Двери церкви были открыты для сотрудников ведомства и других прихожан со времени постройки здания в 1828 г.
1917年底, 布爾什維克教堂被關閉. 亞歷山大·涅夫斯基是外交部在總部東區第四層的浸信會教堂, 自1828年建成以來, 教堂的大門向該部的僱員和其他教區居民開放.
1917年底, 布爾什維克教堂被關閉. 亞歷山大·涅夫斯基是外交部在總部東區第四層的浸信會教堂, 自1828年建成以來, 教堂的大門向該部的僱員和其他教區居民開放.
國家冬宮。 國家冬宮博物館。 官方網頁。
- 外交部和財政部在總參謀部的最後幾天 -
1917年底,布爾什維克關閉了聖教堂 亞歷山大·涅夫斯基 - 總參謀部東翼四樓的外交部教堂。 從1828年修建大樓的時候開始,教堂的大門就開放給了部門和其他教區的工作人員。
The State Hermitage. The State Hermitage museum. Official page.
2 分鐘 ·
- The last days of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance in the building of the General Staff -
At the end of 1917 the Bolsheviks closed the church of St. Alexander Nevsky - house church of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the fourth floor in the eastern wing of the General Staff. The doors of the church were open to the staff of the department and other parishioners from the time the building was built in 1828.
# Two_ministries_and_revolution
2017年12月26日 星期二
Who built Hong Kong? Not who you think…
HKFP_History: Traders, missionaries, Indian doctors and accountants, South East Asian textile and produce traders, European importers of machinery - all played their part in making Hong Kong what it is today. But who actually extended Hong Kong Island beyond its narrow, messy waterfront into what we now call the central business district? Vaudine England goes back in time...
Many different people have claimed credit over almost 200 years for the…
2017年12月23日 星期六
A Catalan Log That Poops Nougats At Christmas. The three pro-Catalan independence parties won a majority ; 巴塞羅那75萬人上街 要求馬德里釋放被押獨立派領袖
In Spain, imploring a log to poop candy with sticks and threats is as magical as waiting to hear the sound of sleigh bells on the roof of your house.
Catalan holiday tradition involves a log that's fed scraps of food for several weeks leading up to Christmas. Then, it's beaten with a stick and implored to poop out a Spanish nougat called turrón.
Catalan regional election, 2017 - Wikipedia
The 2017 Catalan regional election was held on Thursday, 21 December 2017, to elect the 12th Parliament of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. All 135 seats in the Parliament were up forelection. The election was called by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy after the invocation of Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and his declaring the entire Catalan government removed from office. The three pro-Catalan independence parties won a majority of ...
RFI 華語 - 法國國際廣播電台
2017年12月22日 星期五
雅加達陸沉記: Jakarta Is Sinking So Fast, It Could End Up Underwater
雅加達(印尼語:Jakarta),全稱雅加達特別首都地域(印尼語:Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta),是印度尼西亞首都和最大城市,位於爪哇島的西北海岸。雅加達是印尼的經濟、文化和政治中心,現有人口10,187,595(截至2011年11月)[5]
Jakarta Is Sinking So Fast,
It Could End Up Underwater
Countless human-made troubles in the Indonesian capital pose an imminent threat to the city’s survival. And Jakarta has to deal with mounting threats from climate change.
2017年12月20日 星期三
Straits of Tiran 蒂朗海峽
蒂朗海峽(阿拉伯語: مضيق تيران ;希伯來語:מיצרי טיראן),是一條位於埃及西奈半島與沙烏地阿拉伯之間的狹窄海峽,因海峽中的蒂朗島(Tiran)而得名,寬約13公里,北連亞喀巴灣(Gulf of Aqaba),南通紅海,是約旦唯一出海通道,也是以色列在紅海上的唯一出海通道,地理位置十分重要。
埃及曾兩次針對以色列封鎖蒂朗海峽,分別導致了蘇伊士危機和六日戰爭,其時並接管阿卡巴灣的蒂朗和塞納菲爾(Sanafir)2座無人島,因此2016年計畫將2座戰略性島嶼歸還沙國,但批評者指出,埃及總統阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sissi)拿了沙國數10億元,這根本是賣島求財、喪權辱國。
江燦騰新增了 4 張相片。
Straits of Tiran - Wikipedia
The Straits of Tiran are the narrow sea passages between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas which separate the Gulf of Aqaba from the Red Sea proper. The distance between the two peninsulas is about 13 km (7 nautical miles). The Strait of Tiran is named after Tiran Island located at its entrance 5 or 6 km (3 or 4 mi) from the Sinai, on which the Multinational Force and Observers has an observation post to monitor the compliance of Egypt in maintaining freedom of navigation of the ...

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia
In May 1967, following misinformation about Israeli intentions provided by the Soviet Union, Egypt expelled UN peacekeepers who had been stationed in the Sinai Peninsula since the Suez conflict, and announced a blockade of Israel's access to the Red Sea (international waters) via the Straits of Tiran, which Israel considered an act of war. Tension escalated, with both sides' armies mobilising. Less than a month later, Israel launched a surprise strike which began the Six-
文章 (Atom)
Links of Hanching Chung
- Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse,
- 36 Hours in Manchester, England
- Visiting Windsor: A Guide
- In Palm Springs, to Pool Hop Is to Time Travel
- the church of St. Alexander Nevsky, Moscow
- Who built Hong Kong? Not who you think…
- A Catalan Log That Poops Nougats At Christmas. The...
- 雅加達陸沉記: Jakarta Is Sinking So Fast, It Could End ...
- Straits of Tiran 蒂朗海峽
- 台北市「瑠公圳重現計劃」水路系統,
- 中國營造學社史略 梁思成、劉敦禎川康地區調查路線圖
- 金門從軍事島搖身成大學島?
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- 台大【意識報 095 校園規劃特刊發刊】
- The Left Sets Honduras on Fire
- Porta Pia
- 巴塞隆納!
- 烏姆(德語:Ulm)