Investors, bosses and consumers seem more optimistic—though cautious. "We are hoping for the best," says the boss of an education provider, "but we are planning for the worst"
Links of Hanching Chung
- Brazil is back in business
- 正興街 (台南市)
- the Institute of Psychoanalysis and The Freud Muse...
- America’s 50 best cities to live, according to 24/...
- Ozone layer over Asia threatened by weird pumping ...
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- 臺海夜景鳥瞰
- 新竹縣峨眉鄉峨眉湖
- Chartres Cathedral
- 將返國 :索馬利亞海盜劫持事件 (2011)
- 沈政男 :台中市、地標湖心亭是這麼來的!
- a map shows every river basin in the US
- 進香客,葡萄酒任你享用:義大利 Ortona
- The Memory of Mankind project ... in an Austrian salt
- 哀怨的彰化(劉克襄)
- C-mine Genk 巨型迷宮
- Adolf Hitler's birth house to be demolished
- Hong Kong's Skycity Plan
- The Way of St James 西班牙聖地亞哥朝聖之路
- 台北小巴; 劉克襄等:被忽略的小巴美學
- Vancouver and Seattle seek to come closer together
- Jules Verne's Tomb, AMIENS, FRANCE
- 2017年中在高雄阿公店水庫啟動水面太陽能
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- 東興洋行Julius Mannich & CO (1877臺南市安平區)
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- 澎湖觀光:旺季、淡季、博弈公投、
- Egypt gets a new capital - courtesy of China
- The Rose Main Reading Room, The New York Public L...
- Portland Art Museum
- Statue of Liberty museum
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