As Hollywood Struggles, the Region’s Economy Feels the Pain
Film production has failed to bounce back after major strikes last year, and competition from other locales has gotten stiffer.
Financial Times
Beijing is rethinking its soft power push into Tinseltown.
How China’s Hollywood romance has turned sour
Beijing had encouraged Chinese investment in the US film industry to influence perceptions
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反思 Facebook動態回顧 2020.12.27:跟著許達然去世界旅遊。【臺博館本館大廳古蹟修復 再現百年精細工藝】The Commercial Zen of Muji《新白蛇傳》. In 2020, Ludwig van Beethoven will be inspiring climate activists all over the world.香港移民潮,中國《好萊塢與文化精英——電影如何成就美國》