2017年8月7日 星期一

30.4 米糕的關羽像遭抗議 ( Kwan Sing Bio Temple in Tuban, East Java, 印尼)

数十名抗议者在印尼东爪哇省首府泗水的省议会大楼前集会抗议,要求拆除图班市关胜庙竖起的一座关公像。抗议者称,30米高的 #关公像 与印尼民族文化不符。
抗议活动的协调者迪迪科•穆瓦迪(Didik Muadi)对媒体表示,关公像冒犯人民尊严,侮辱印尼独立。穆瓦迪说:“如果他们要建纪念雕像,就不应该造得那么大,也许最多两米高,而且应当建在庙里面。雕像似乎是在表明,这个战争之神已经掌控了图班。不能这样!”

After igniting controversy on social media, giant statue of Chinese deity covered up in East Java

A 30.4 meter tall statue of Guan Yu located in Kwan Sing Bio Temple in Tuban, East Java. It was covered in a white cloth on Saturday due to controversy.
A 30.4 meter tall statue of Guan Yu (a legendary Chinese general from the Three Kingdoms era who is also worshipped as a deity in Chinese folk religion) located in Kwan Sing Bio Temple in Tuban, East Java, was declared the tallest statue of the god in Southeast Asia by the World Record Museum of Indonesia (MURI) when it was unveiled in mid-July.

