Abe poured the sake. Then President Obama drank it.
a week-long swing through Asia
by dining on fine sushi Wednesday night (Japan time) or early Wednesday
(Washington time). Obama, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and their
guests dined at Sukiyabashi Jiro, one of the finest sushi restaurants in
the world, located in Tokyo's Ginza district.
The restaurant's owner and sushi master, Jiro Ono, turns 90 next year and was featured in the 2011 documentary by David Gelb, "Jiro Dreams of Sushi."
As the two leaders dined, diners in a nearby restaurant peeked through the windows of where Obama and Abe sat and aimed their cameras to grab a picture of the president.
"That's some good sushi right there," Obama remarked as he emerged from the restaurant after the 90 minute dinner with the prime minister. Also along for the meal were Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
President Obama launched The restaurant's owner and sushi master, Jiro Ono, turns 90 next year and was featured in the 2011 documentary by David Gelb, "Jiro Dreams of Sushi."
As the two leaders dined, diners in a nearby restaurant peeked through the windows of where Obama and Abe sat and aimed their cameras to grab a picture of the president.
"That's some good sushi right there," Obama remarked as he emerged from the restaurant after the 90 minute dinner with the prime minister. Also along for the meal were Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
2014-04-24支持日本 行使集體自衛權
〔駐日特派員張茂森、國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕刻在日本訪問的美國總統歐巴馬稍早接受日媒訪問時表示, 「尖閣諸島(釣魚台列嶼)在美日安保條約第五條的適用範圍內」,為歷來首位公開表態釣魚台適用美日安保條約的美國總統,中方已經強烈反彈。此外,歐巴馬也 「全面支持」日本檢討解禁行使集體自衛權的問題。歐巴馬已於二十三日傍晚抵達東京,展開十八年來首次的國是訪問;上述發言是他行前接受日本《讀賣新聞》書面專訪時的談話。日本共同社報 導,歐巴馬還將於二十四日與日本首相安倍舉行高峰會時,正式確認釣魚台適用美日安保條約,並在聯合記者會上宣布,日本也會要求將之納入美日共同聲明。釣魚 台適用於美日安保條約本就是美國的一貫政策,但由美國總統親口說出,對日本而言意義重大。
中國強烈反彈 批美選邊站
但 中方對此強烈反彈,抨擊美國在釣魚台問題上選邊站。中國外交部發言人秦剛二十三日表示,美日同盟是在冷戰時期形成的雙邊安排,不應損害中國的領土主權與正 當權益,中方堅決反對把釣島做為美日安保條約的適用對象。秦剛要求美方應謹言慎行,恪守在有關領土主權問題上不選邊站的承諾。歐:反對中國武力改變現狀
歐 巴馬總統在讀賣專訪中指出,美國樂見一個穩定、繁榮與和平的中國持續崛起,並與之在包括經濟、北韓與氣候等具有共同利益的議題上合作,但美中交往沒有、也 不會犧牲美國與包括日本在內的其他盟國的關係;此外,美國也反對任何妨害日本管轄權的行動,以及反對中國在東海企圖以武力改變現狀。在北韓 問題上,歐巴馬重申絕不接受北韓擁有核武,美日(南)韓將就朝鮮半島非核化的目標緊密合作。歐巴馬二十四日轉往南韓訪問。根據韓聯社二十三日報導,韓美情 報當局分析認為,北韓已做好隨時進行第四次核子試爆的準備,目前已經撤除咸鏡北道吉州郡豐溪里核試爆場部分坑道入口設置的遮光板,與去年第三次核試爆前的 情況類似。